RadStorm FAQ
Where is RadStorm located?
6050 Almon St, Halifax, NS. We are upstairs in suite 212.
When is the space open?
Open hours are every Sunday from 2-6 pm, or by chance.
When are general meetings?
Meetings are every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 3 pm. Everyone is welcome.
How can I become a member?
Membership is available to anyone who is interested- it is loosely defined as anyone who is involved in the space. Attend a meeting and join the listserv, OR come get an orientation during open hours, OR meet with a current member. Anchor Archive and Ink Storm have their own meetings and membership information.
How do I get in contact?
- Come to a meeting or open hours
- Through our Facebook page: RadStorm/Sad Rad
- Send an e-mail: sadrad@googlegroups.com
How is Radstorm funded?
Radstorm does not have regular funding from the government or other entities. We are primarily funded through shows, events, workshops, jam box use and donations.
Is the space physically accessible?
RadStorm is located on the second floor of a building with no elevator, up two wide flights of stairs with railings. There is no automatic door. There are two non-gendered bathrooms on the second floor, one with a stall and urinal, and the other is a lockable single stall with a sharps container.
What resources are available to use?
See the Resources page for a list of all resources in the space.
Can I host an event here?
Yes! We are open to any and all events that don’t go against our mandate/policy. All events must have a PWYC option, and must not be for-(personal)-profit. A collective member must bottom-line the show in order for it to happen.
I sent an e-mail proposing a show and no one got back to me. What now?
If no one replied to your message, it means no one is able to or interested in bottom-lining your event. Unfortunately you'll have to find another venue.
Is my pet (dog, cat, rat, rock, etc) allowed in the space?
All animals are welcome (within reason), but please don’t bring them to loud shows for the sake of their sensitive little ears
How and where can I pay for ‘x’?
There is a dropbox in the ‘kitchen’; it’s a blue box on the wall opposite the main doorway.
How can I use the jam box?
Come to a meeting to get to know the space, get information about the locks & keys, and how to sign up for a time slot.
How much does the jam box cost?
Using the jam box costs $50$ a month for weekly spots (once a week isn't hardfast, but you've got to respect the shared nature of the space and not take up too much time), or 15-20$ (or PWYC) for drop-ins.
Is my pet (dog, cat, rat, rock, etc) allowed in the space?
All animals are welcome (within reason), but please don’t bring them to loud shows for the sake of their sensitive little ears
How and where can I pay for ‘x’?
There is a dropbox in the ‘kitchen’; it’s a blue box on the wall opposite the main doorway.
When can I jam?
Anytime after 5pm on weekdays, and anytime on weekends. Check the calendar for available spots.
How often/long can I jam for?
Time slots are for 2 hours.